About Us
Playful. Creative. Unapologetically Snarky
This is who we are.
Are you these things too? Then welcome home!
We’re all about self expression. Our thoughts turn into shirts, and our shirts say to the world things that other people may be scared to express, but ya know that they are thinking them.
The inspiration for our shirts comes from our daily lives. We pay extra attention to anything that is funny, snarky or makes us smile - and BAM, place it into a colorful design.
We love snarky, snarkiness is what makes the world go around, it get's us up in the morning so get your snarky on and embrace it. Now don't get us wrong, we like positive stuff too, but its all about Ying and Yang, without one there can't be the other. So if you like a little snarky with your t-shirt, this is your kinda place!

Other than being an unapologetic, vibrant human rainbow,
We have one more value that is very important - and it’s Transparency.
We believe that transparency is very important, in both people and brands.
Every day we’re trying to be as transparent as we can with you, to stay true to ourselves and to help you feel comfortable and at ease.
From having an accessible phone number to you from our very first day, to answering all of your questions, to being transparent about our shipping times and rates.
We'd love you to join our community!;)